Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mary Bell's Complete Dehydrator Cookbook

A guide to food dehydrating shows readers how to make preservative-free dried apple rings, candied apricots, beef and fish jerkies, sun-dried tomatoes, corn chips, herb seasonings, dried fruit sugars, and more. 100,000 first printing. Tour.

Home cooking network - a pandora box for all the foodies. A never before array of recipes are a rare collection of specialties form all over the world. It can serve all sorts of individual needs that are vegetarian, quick & easy, traditional, etc. Ranging from gourmet to the simpler ones, these recipes can be broadly divided in to 4 heads. These are as follows:

1. Appetizers

Unlike the regulars such as bruschetta or deviled eggs, Home Cooking Network offers the individuals an opportunity to try various cuisines. Chinese, Mexican, French..... the list is amazing!

i. Spicy Appetizers
For spicy pre meal snacks check out the Mexican & Chinese appetizers.

ii. Soups
Soups make great appetizers and attribute to quite a healthy meal. If beef & chicken recipes do not tickle your taste bud being a vegetarian, look out for the vegetable soups such as carrot soup. For playing off the league try your hand with the French onion soup.

iii. Salads
Whether appetizers or a meal, salads are just perfect for all of us. And for the lazy ones, these are far more simpler & quicker recipes to opt from. They take almost no time, don't believe me, try potato salad or pasta salad! For some adventure & experience go for the Mexican salad.

2. The Main Course

Do you wanna be different this time? Choosing the main course could be rather hard but with Home Cooking Network, the choices are endless.

i. Beef
In place of the plain steak, try some corned beef or beef casserole, or the beef stroganoff.

ii. Chicken
Recipes enlist things as simple as the grilled chicken to something special like the low carb recipes and the chicken cordon bleu.

3. Traditional Home Cooking

This can be defined in many ways as per one's own perception. Home Cooking Network consists of many recipes that can be used as main course, appetizers, desserts or just simple snacks. These recipes are representatives of different cultures like
i. Polish
ii. Kosher
iii. German
iv. Indian
v. Mediterranean
vi. Phillipino, etc.

4. Desserts

Desserts are surely delicious end to the meals. Home Cooking Network believes in trying different recipes, that are new, uncommon and easy to cook.

i. Greek, Mexican and Phillipino desserts form a major chunk of the list.
ii. Alongside it enlists all time favorites like pies. Among pies, Home Cooking Network contains recipes for key lime, fruit filled and pecan pies.

5. Vegetarian Special

Among vegetarian cuisines, Home Cooking Network offers various new & exquisite recipes like:

i. Pasta dishes
ii. New recipes for asparagus and sweet potatoes
iii. Cajun cooking
iv. Vegetarian meatloaf

6. Others

To tickle your taste buds further, Home Cooking Network's recipes include many other categories to serve any purpose you have on mind, that is a festive treat, pleasing a cherished guest or thanking a friend, or simply sharing a relishing moment with the family. These recipes might be time consuming but the time is all the worth. Its rich culinary list includes:

i. Cajun
ii. Gumbo
iii. Sweet breads, and
iv. Collard greens.

Abhishek is really passionate about Cooking and he has got some great Cooking Secrets. up his sleeves! Download his FREE 88 Pages Ebook, "Cooking Mastery!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.


Don't Get Stressed When You're Cooking For Large Groups

When your friends and family think your a good cook, chances are you will be asked to cook for them. Most times that will be for a larger audience then you normally cook for. Most times that means a lot of stress and sometimes these things end up in a nervous breakdown for the cook. It doesn't have to be that way, cooking for a large group of people, if planned correctly can be a lot of fun for every one in the dinning room. You need to plan ahead and stick to that plan the whole evening. The larger the group the larger the dishes and pots and pans but that is not a thing you should start worrying about. Making stuffing still is making stuffing even for a large group. If the group is double then your used to doesn't mean cooking and preparation time doubles as well.

Time flies, when you should be having fun

Often, time is wasted when you, the cook, start to worry about everything that could go wrong. Instead that time worrying should be spend on preparing for dinner. Involve those friends and family members that asked you to cook for them by asking them to do things for you. When a person asks if he or she can do anything to help you. don't be polite and say you have everything under control. Even if you really have it all under control, take accept their help so you have more time on your hands for later. Let that person serve the drinks or set the table.

Don't be afraid to ask for help

Cooking for a large group of people is not a small task. When you start planning don't be afraid to include the help of people who are coming to dinner. Maybe you trust one or two of them to help you prepare the food or even help you cook. Not the whole dinner but little things like dressing the salad or preparing the side dishes. Small things so you can keep your mind on the main courses and grand deserts you have planned for the evening. The people who join you for your dinner are not coming to see you fail but to enjoy a lovely meal. If you make them part of the creative part of the evening they may just take pleasure out of it.

When the time has come that everyone is enjoying the meal you have prepared for them you should enjoy it as well. Enjoy the look on the faces of the people who are eating what you created in the kitchen. Start to relax and enjoy it with them. And when the evening comes to an end, again don't be afraid to ask for help picking up and cleaning the dishes. You removed the stress of preparing the dinner, now you should avoid the stress of ending the dinner. The sooner everything gets cleaned up the quicker everyone, including you, can enjoy the after dinner drinks and conversations.

After a while you will get the hang of cooking for a large group of people. And don't forget to thank the people who helped you out before, during and after the dinner. Then when the next one comes around they will be more then willing to help you again.

Kenny Vanderburen is the main blogger at The kitchen might as well be his living room, that's how much time he spends there.
